We’ve got some major projects brewing in the background which are nearing completion and we'll be announcing later this month, but we thought we’d share some of our smaller updates from the last few days of development. Most of these are already live, or will be within the next 24-48 hours.
One thing to note that is that we’re working even harder to bring engineers closer to customers at PheedLoop to further shorten the development life cycle from idea to feature. As a product-first event technology company since our first day in 2015, bridging the gap between our product and customers is of paramount importance.
Virtual Event Updates
The most relevant part of the PheedLoop platform right now is constantly being updated with new and exciting features!
- Chat messages now have timestamps associated with them, just hover over any message to reveal the timestamp.
- A new way to present sessions now exists, called channels! Channels allow you to break out your schedule into a secondary schedule, ideally for channels featuring a constant stream of sessions, but really for anything you desire! Turn on channels via your event’s virtual event settings, and add sessions to channels via any session’s virtual settings.
- Added ability to disable real-time chat functionality for specific exhibitors and sessions.
- Added option for exhibitors to include a link to a third-party meeting booking tool (e.g. Calendly).
- Prompt for Google Chrome removed, only shows up for significantly outdated or insecure browsers (specifically, Internet Explorer).
- Zoom Web SDK version has been upgraded to 1.7.10
New Dashboard Updates
Our new beta dashboard is always getting great (and sometimes critical!) feedback. We want to hear it all. We listen carefully, and are rapidly adding new features, fixing bugs, and getting it ready for primetime.
- New bulk editing features for attendees
- Bug with event website and virtual portal content not changing instantly fixed
- Actions menu added above content tables to bundle together actions
- Updated help beacon to route questions to customer support team more quickly
- Added RSS feed of PheedLoop’s blog to the landing page